
Our Lady Wailing House

BY “OUR LADY” we mean the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ and the mother of the church. To wail is to make a long loud high cry because one is sad or in pain. “Wailing house” is a house where such cry is made continuously. Our lady's wailing house is therefore a crying house belonging to the Blessed Virgin Mary, where her children gather to cry to the Blessed Trinity and to her to save us from the calamities that have befallen and is about to befall the world. The world is wallowing obstinately in sin and is at the verge of total destruction. The children of Mary recall what happened in the book of ESTHER, when the people of Israel were facing total annihilation and they cry with Esther the queen to God and obtained salvation. Our lady's wailing house is a house where we beckon on Mary the Queen of heaven and earth to join her voice with ours and call down the mercy of God. It is a house where we like the baby Jesus sit at the foot of Mary and listen to her maternal admonition and emulate her virtues. It is a house where we do reparation for the sorrow and anguish our sins and that of the world have caused Blessed Virgin Mary and God himself.

Our Ladys Online wailing house

This is a physical house built for the purpose of prayer, seminar, retreat and other Marian activities. Here there should be prayer round the clock: main rosary, pearl rosary, Divine mercy prayer ,Holy Mass, exposition of the Blessed ,Divine office and congregational prayer if there is any religious organization occupying the wailing house. It should also be a house for retreat, seminar, and consecration for the priests, religions, societies, families and individuals. It should be a pilgrimage center for those who want to cry with and to Mary, for those who want to listen to her and emulate her way of life.

Our Lady's physical wailing house

This is the use of social media as a platform to pray together as members of our lady's family. Presently we are using Skype app for our online prayers and activities. People from all part of the world log in for prayer at any time they are available to pray. Activities in our lady's online wailing house include: rosary prayer round the clock, early hour consecration prayers with rosary at 3am UK time / 4am Nigerian time, with online exposition and finished with Holy Mass. At 7am we begin the main rosary, 8am meditational rosary, 11.45am pearl rosary, 2.30pm main rosary and Divine mercy, 8.30pm pearl rosary and main rosary. Every first Friday is a vigil that will begin by 11.50pm and end around 3am.

Target of Our Ladys Wailing House

  • To unite all Marian children to work as a team for the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart
  • To make Love for the Blessed Virgin Mary soak all Hearts
  • To help all humanity seek refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • To lose no soul to Satan
  • To enthrone the reign of Mary
  • To have continues worship of God in union with Mary all through the year
  • To win all souls to God through Mary
  • To have a world wide network of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Method of Operation

  • Organizing series of Our Lady's program like: A-Day-Mary, 33days seminar, retreat ,24 hour with Blessed Virgin Mary, Family consecration, chain prayers, Celebrating all feasts of Mary, parish consecration, our Lady's novenas etc
  • Holy Mass, Eucharistic adoration, confession, Our Lady's Cantons, pearl Rosary, normal rosary, divine Mercy prayers, station of the Cross etc

Get in touch

We love to hear from people, so if you'd like to ask a question, get some info or just want to say hi, drop us a message below.
